Simarine Pico One Paket - NEUE Version Silber
PICO one package
The package can monitor a battery bank and display a maximum of 2 displays for tank, voltage or temperatures. The package includes the shunt SC302T: 300A battery bank, 2 input voltages. This allows a battery bank and a tank to be monitored perfectly. The PICO one display cannot be expanded.
Battery monitor PICOone integrated Barometer, display of max.: 1 battery bank and max. 2 displays for tanks, voltages or temperatures.
Including shunt SC303 (300A shunt, 1 battery temperature, 2 voltages 0-75V, 2x resistance sensor 0-65kOhm (temperature or tank), WiFi and free app for Android and iOS. The package cannot be expanded
New version with two additional measuring inputs!
Technical specifications
Operating voltage
Power consumption at 12V
Operating, wifi on, 100% illumination
Operating, wifi off, 70% illumination
Standby, wifi off, 0% illumination
Power off, logger still active
Max number of modules connected
20 (all SIMARINE shunts and modules)
Monitoring capabilities (PICO Display unit only)
Monitoring voltage
12V, 24V
Battery voltage
Monitoring capabilities (with SIMARINE shunts and modules)
Monitoring voltage
12V, 24V (SC300, SC500, ST107, SCQ25T)
12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 72V(SC302T)
Battery banks with Real-Time Battery Health™
Battery voltages
Independent consumer or generator current channels:
Tanks Level or Temperature sensors:
Variants from €289.00*

Simarine SC303 Shunt 300A for Pico Battery Lighter New version
Innovative combination of side resistance and tank filling module.
SC303 is an active combination-by-fabric resistance for the battery tenants Pico and Pico One with 2 voltage sensors, 2 tank filling stand or temperature sensors, 1x Socet for temperature sensor with JSt connector and 1 current sensor for up to 300 A for systems with up to 75 V.
It can be used to monitor the power consumption of large consumers (inverter, bow and rear beam rudder, anchor winches) and electricity generators (country power charging devices and solar modules). In addition, it enables the monitoring of tanks for fuel, fresh water and gray water.
Power Source Voltage Range
6 - 35 V
TemPartature range
-20 -+70 ° C
Power Consumption AT 12 V
0.8 MA
Current Measuring Range
0.1 - 320 a
± 0,6 %
0.01 a
Sampling rate
100 ms
Maximum current
300 a
Peak Current (<1 min)
400 a
Peak Current (<5 min)
700 a
Voltage Drop AT 300 A
50 mv
Maximum voltage on Connections
35 V
Voltage inputs
0 - 75 V
1 mv
± 0,2 %
Sampling rate
100 ms
Resistance inputs
0 Ohm - 65 Kohm
± 3,0%
TemPartature sensor - NTC 10K
-15 -+80 ° C
Accuracy (-10-60 ° C, 14-140 ° F)
± 3,0%
Up to
TemPartature sensors
Voltage sensors
Sicom RJ9 Sockets
Installation and dimension
Dimensions (Langth X Width X Depth)
120 x 120 x 60 mm
Battery Connection
M 10 Bolts

Simarine PICO Blue Paket - Neue Version Silber Aufbaumontage
SIMARINE's innovative PICO BLUE package is the complete battery and tank monitoring solution for discerning yacht and caravan owners with a service battery bank of up to 500 A at 12 V, 24 V, 48 V, 60 V and 72 V, up to four engine/ spare battery banks and up to 4 tanks.
Precise monitoring of solar modules, wind and hydroelectric generators, shore power chargers or the power consumption of individual consumers such as refrigerators is also possible. A great tool for detecting malfunctions in generators and other equipment.
Battery monitor PICO with aluminum frame, WiFi and free app for Android and iOS.
Scope of delivery:
1 x PICO with integr. barometer
1 x SC503 (500A shunt, 1 battery temperature, 2 voltages 0-75V, 2x resistance sensor 0-65kOhm (temperature or tank))
1 x ST107 Tank Module (3 voltage inputs, 4 resistance inputs, 1 relay output)
1 x SCQ25 4-fold shunt 25A (4 inputs for consumers or generators)
Technical specifications
Operating Voltage: 6V - 35V
Power consumption at 12V:
operational, WiFi on, 100% backlight: 90 mA
operational, WiFi off, 70% Backlight: 35 mA
Standby, WiFi off, 0% Backlight: 18mA
Off, only data logger active: 5 mA
Monitoring options with standard scope of delivery:
Voltage monitor: 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 72V
1 battery bank with real-time battery health
4 tanks
4 current measuring points
Monitoring options with optional modules:
Voltage monitor: 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 72V
6 battery banks with real-time battery health
14 tanks
14 temperature sensors
20 shunts for current measurement
Dimensions display module: 97.5 x 83mm
Shunt SC501:
Operating Voltage: 6V - 35V
Temperature range: -20 - 70°C
Power consumption at 12V:
in operation 0.8mA
current measurement:
Measuring range: 0.02 - 600A
Duration: 500A
Peak (<60s) 800A
Accuracy +/- 0.6%
Resolution: 0.02A
Sample speed: 100ms
Voltage measurement:
Measuring range: 0-75V
Accuracy: +/-0.2%
Resolution: 1mV
Temperature measurement:
Range: -15 - 80°C
Accuracy (-10 - 60°C) 3%
Size: 118x40x52mm
Battery connectors: M10
Connection options: 1 battery bank
Tank module ST107:
Operating Voltage: 6V - 35V
Temperature range: -20 - +70°C
Power consumption at 12V:
in operation 2.5mA
Voltage measurement:
Measuring range: 0-35V
Accuracy: +/-0.2%
Resolution: 1mV
Resistance inputs:
Range: 10 ohms - 65k ohms
Accuracy +/-0.1%
Size: 112x72x31mm
Power module SCQ25:
Operating Voltage: 6V - 35V
Temperature range: -20 - +70°C
Power consumption at 12V:
in operation 2.5mA
current measurement:
Measuring range: 0.01 - 25A
Duration: 25A
Peak (<60s) 35A
Accuracy +/- 0.6%
Resolution: 0.01A
Sample speed: 100ms
Size: 183x91x34mm

Simarine SC503 Shunt 500A for Pico Battery Later New version
Innovative combination of side resistance and tank filling module.
SC503 is a high-precision combination co-resistance for the battery maker Pico with 2 voltage sensors, 2 temperature sensors, 1x Socet for temperature sensor with JST connector and 1 current sensor for up to 500 A for systems with up to 75 V.
It can be used to monitor the power consumption of large consumers (inverter, bow and rear beam rudder, anchor winches) and electricity generators (country power charging devices and solar modules). In addition, it enables the monitoring of tanks for fuel, fresh water and gray water.
Voltage range
6 - 35 V
TemPartature range
-20 -+70 ° C
Power Consumption AT 12 V
1.2 MA
Current Measuring Range
0.01 - 700 a
± 0,6 %
0.01 a
Sampling rate
100 ms
Maximum current
500 a
Peak Current (<1 min)
700 a
Peak Current (<5 min)
1000 A
Voltage Drop AT 300 A
50 mv
Maximum voltage on Connections
35 V
Voltage inputs
0 - 75 V
1 mv
± 0,2 %
Sampling rate
100 ms
Resistance inputs
0 Ohm - 65 Kohm
± 3,0%
TemPartature sensor - NTC 10K
-15 -+80 ° C
Accuracy (-10-60 ° C, 14-140 ° F)
± 3,0%
Up to
TemPartature sensors
Voltage sensors
Sicom RJ9 Sockets
Installation and dimension
Dimensions (Langth X Width X Depth)
120 x 120 x 60 mm
Battery Connection
M 10 Bolts

Simarine PICO Standard Package - NEW Version Black / Surface Mount
New version with two additional measuring inputs, battery monitor of the latest generation!
Battery Monitor PICO from SIMARINE for monitoring batteries, consumers and tanks. With aluminum frame, integrated barometer, WiFi and free app for Android and iOS.
PICO standard package The PICO STANDARD package is the perfect battery and tank monitoring solution for yachts and caravans with 1 main battery, up to 4 auxiliary batteries (voltage display only) and up to 6 tanks.
Battery monitor PICO with aluminum frame, WiFi and free app for Android and iOS.
Scope of delivery:
1 x PICO with integr. Barometer,
1 x Shunt SC303 (300A, 1 battery temperature, 2 voltages 0-75V, 2x resistance sensor 0-65kOhm) (temperature or tank),
1 x ST107 Tank Module (3 voltage inputs, 4 resistance inputs, 1 relay output)
With the PICO, Simarine is setting new standards for marine battery monitors in terms of design, functionality, connectivity and ease of use.
Compatible with all SIMARINE shunts and modules
The expandable architecture allows adding up to 20 SIMARINE shunts and modules to monitor all types of boats, yachts and caravans - from small to superyacht system with up to 6 battery banks, 14 tanks and 20 independent consumers and generators.
PICO's display unit consists of a slim anodized aluminum body and thick Gorilla Glass with an anti-reflective coating that protects the optically bonded 3.5-inch high-contrast IPS LCD display. It is waterproof and dustproof and can be mounted both indoors and outdoors. The screen brightness is automatically adjusted using a light sensor. The device is operated with four water-tolerant CapSense buttons. The barograph provides accurate air pressure values, trends and history.
Free SIMARINE Android and iOS apps are available to connect your PICO to your smartphone via Wi-Fi. With the apps you can monitor all battery and tank data, upload history, edit and restore settings and even update the firmware with new features.
Choose the different colors and mounting methods in the menu.

Simarine CARAVAN Control Panel Set VIA
Simarine Caravan Control VIADas Simarine Caravan Control VIA Set besteht aus dem Anzeigeelement SCC8 und der Steuereinheit SPDU-52. Das Caravan Panel kann bis zu 6 Batterien, 14 Tanksensoren, 14 Temperatursensoren und 20 unabhängige Stromsensoren (Shunts) überwachen, sowie 2 Relais Schalter steuern. Es is mit einem Wi-Fi-Modul ausgestattet, um mit der für Android™- und iPhone®-Smartphone verfügbaren App zu kommunizieren. Die App ermöglicht den Zugriff auf Live Daten, Verlaufsdaten, Analysefunktionen, sowie Konfiguration und Aktualisierung des Panels.
SCC8 Display-PanelDie Informationen werden auf einem großen 3,5" hochauflösenden IPS-Display mit Gorilla®-Glas und entspiegelter Beschichtung angezeigt, um eine bessere Sichtbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Das Gerät wird mit 8 Steuertasten geliefert, über die alle angeschlossenen Geräte bequem gesteuert werden können.
Die Menüführung ist transparent und einfach zu bedienen. Alle Änderungen können mit vier Touch Tasten unter dem Bildschirm vorgenommen werden. Der erforderliche Einbauraum hinter dem Gehäuse beträgt 30mm.
Funktionen des SCC im Überblick:
WiFi and Bluetooth integriertBatterie ÜberwachungTank ÜberwachungIntegrierter BarographAnti-Scratch Gorilla Glass 3.5” IPS LCD DisplayGehäuse aus eloxiertem Aluminium8 Buttons direkt am GerätFernwartung und Steuerung via APP SPDU-52 StromverteilerDie Stromverteilereinheit Simarine SPDU-52 ist ein sehr vielseitiges Modul. Sein Zweck ist es, andere Module und Shunts zu versorgen, die vom Caravan Panel verwendet werden. An die SPDU-52 mit Zusatzmodulen können bis zu 6 Batterien, 24 Shunts, 10 Temperatursensoren, 14 Tankfüllstandssensoren und 2 Neigungssensoren angeschlossen werden.
Das SPDU-52 verfügt über 3 SICOM-Ports, zwei für zusätzliche Stromausgänge Ein-/Ausgänge (SICOM 1, SICOM 2) und einen für das Caravan Panel (SiCOM PANEL). Es verfügt außerdem über 4 Kanäle (Solar, Ladegerät, Hauptbatterie, Starterbatterie), die den Strom messen. Die Spannungsmessung an jedem dieser Kanäle beträgt 0–35 VDC mit einer Genauigkeit von ±0,5%. Die Widerstandsmessung an jedem dieser Kanäle beträgt 0–65 kOhm mit einer Genauigkeit von ±3%.
VORSICHT: Installieren Sie den Stromaggregaten an einem sauberen und trockenen Ort, der vor versehentlichem Verschütten von Flüssigkeiten geschützt ist. Für weitere Informationen für den Einbau und der Verschaltung bitte ins Handbuch schauen.
Mobile APP des Caravan ControlMit Ihren Smartphone können Sie über die WLAN Verbindung Ihr Caravan Panel fernsteuern. Mit der App können Sie aktuelle (Live) Daten von Batterien, Tanks, Thermometern und Barographen überwachen. Sie können auch die Caravan Panel Einstellungen auf Ihrem Smartphone ändern und die Simarine Firmware einfach auf eine neue Version aktualisieren, sobald sie verfügbar ist.Mit der mobilen App können aktuelle Caravan Control Einstellungen gespeichert und später wiederhergestellt werden. Außerdem werden automatische Sicherungen der aktuellen Einstellung vorgenommen, sobald diese verändert werden. Diese Einstellungen werden in einer Liste gespeichert und können nach belieben wiederhergestellt werden.
Das Caravan Panel ist mit folgenden Simarine Modulen kompatibel:
SC303 Digitaler Shunt – Hochpräziser 300A Shunt, für bis zu 75V Systeme.SC503 Digitaler Shunt – Hochpräziser 500A Shunt, für bis zu 75V Systeme.SDI01 Neigungsmesser – Hochauflösender digitaler Neigungsmesser für Nick- und Rollneigung mit manueller Kalibrierung. ·SC302T Digitaler Shunt – Hochpräziser 300A Shunt mit 2 Widerstandseingängen zur Tankfüllstandmessung und 2 Spannungseingängen von zwei Batterien.SCQ25 Quadro Digitaler Shunt Module – Hochpräziser 4x25A Shunt, für 12V und 24V Systeme.SCQ50 Quadro Digitaler Shunt Module – Hochpräziser 4x50A Shunt, für 12V und 24V Systeme. ·SCQ25T Quadro Digitaler Shunt und Tank Module – Hochpräziser 4x25A Shunt und Tank Module mit 4 Widerstands und 3 Spannungs Eingängen.ST107 Digitaler Tank Module mit 4 Widerstands und 3 Spannungs-Inputs.Geeignete Tanksensoren: Grundsätzlich alle Widerstandsbezogene Füllstandsanzeiger wie z.b:
Wema Geber für Wasser und Treibstoff S3Schaudt Tanksonde (evtl. wird ein Adapterkabel benötigt)

Simarine digital inclination sensor
Two axes of inclination meters for vehicle leveling, plug-and-play
For the control systems: Simarine Picoone Battery Monitor, 12V (62012) and Simarine Caravan Control System + Surveillance/switching system, up to 10 devices (74915)
Technical specifications:
Accuracy: ± 1 °
Resolution: 0.1 °
Scope of delivery:
Inclination meter

Simarine SCQ50 Quadro Shunt 4x50a
The SCQ50 is an innovative shunt module with four inputs for monitoring individual consumers and generators with permanent flows up to 50a (35a lace) per input in 12V and 24V systems.
This is very practical for monitoring smaller consumers such as refrigerators or generators such as solar, wind, water or country power. The power channels can be combined for higher current thicknesses, i.e. the permanent currents on the combined channels are up to 50a (70a lace) at 12V and 24V. The innovative, protected architecture of the SCQ50 enables the wiring either on the negative (low) or the positive (high) side. Up to five modules can be connected at the same time to monitor up to 20 power channels (only with Pico Battery Monitor).

Simarine SCQ25 Quadro Shunt 4x25a
The SCQ25 is an innovative shunt module with four inputs for monitoring the permanent currents of individual consumers and generators up to 25 a (35 a lace) per input in 12 V and 24 V systems.
This is very practical for monitoring smaller consumers such as refrigerators or generators such as solar, wind, hydropower or country power.
The power channels can be combined for higher current thicknesses, i.e. H. The permanent currents of the combined channels up to 50 a (70 a lace) at 12 V and 24 V.
The innovative protected architecture of the SCQ25 enables wiring on the negative (low) or positive (high) side.
Up to five modules can be connected at the same time to monitor up to 20 power channels (only with Pico Battery Monitor).

Simarine SCQ25T Quadro Shunt and tank module
The innovative combination (SCQ25T) made of shunt, tank interface and voltage module from Simarine.
The highly innovative shunt module with four inputs for monitoring the permanent current flow of individual consumers and generators up to 25 a (35 a tip) per input in 12 V and 24 V systems.
The equipment with four resistance inputs for the resistance or temperature sensors of the resistance type and three voltage inputs for tank sensors and battery tensions of voltage types enable far-reaching connection options.
This is very practical for monitoring smaller consumers such as refrigerators or generators such as solar, wind, hydropower or country power.
The power channels can be combined for higher current thicknesses, i.e. H. The permanent currents of the combined channels up to 50 a (70 a lace) at 12 V and 24 V.
The innovative protected architecture of the SCQ25T enables wiring on the negative (low) or positive (high) side.

Simarine ST107 Tank module
ST107 is a versatile module for monitoring tank and temperature sensors as well as the battery voltage.
Equipped with four resistance inputs for the resistance or temperature sensors of the resistance type and three voltage inputs for tank sensors and battery tensions for tension types, offer extensive connection options.

Simarine Pico Schwarz Aufbaumontage
Battery Monitor PICO from SIMARINE for monitoring batteries, consumers and tanks. With aluminum frame, integrated barometer, WiFi and free app for Android and iOS.
Display of max.: 6 battery banks, 6 battery voltages, 20 consumers or generators, 14 tank modules, 8 temperature sensors. (sensors are not included)
With the PICO , Simarine is setting new standards for marine battery monitors in terms of design, functionality, connectivity and ease of use.
Compatible with all SIMARINE shunts and modules.
The expandable architecture allows adding up to 20 SIMARINE shunts and modules to monitor all types of boats, yachts and caravans - from small to superyacht system with up to 6 battery banks, 14 tanks and 20 independent consumers and generators.
PICO 's display unit consists of a slim anodized aluminum body and thick Gorilla Glass with an anti-reflective coating that protects the optically bonded 3.5-inch high-contrast IPS LCD display. It is waterproof and dustproof and can be mounted both indoors and outdoors. The screen brightness is automatically adjusted using a light sensor. The device is operated with four water-tolerant CapSense buttons. The barograph provides accurate air pressure values, trends and history.
Free SIMARINE Android and iOS apps are available to connect your PICO to your smartphone via Wi-Fi. With the apps you can monitor all battery and tank data, upload history, edit and restore settings and even update the firmware with new features.
Choose the different colors and mounting methods in the menu.
Battery Monitor PICO with integrated barometer to display (with optional modules):
Voltage monitor: 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 72V
6 battery banks with real-time battery health
14 tanks
14 temperature sensors
20 shunts for current measurement
Technical specifications
Operating voltage: 6 - 35 V
Power consumption at 12V:
operational, WiFi on, 100% backlight: 90 mA
operational, WiFi off, 70% Backlight: 35 mA
Standby, WiFi off, 0% Backlight: 18mA
Off, only data logger active: 5 mA
Dimensions display module: 97.5 x 83mm